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Zarah F

Immediate competition in 50m Butterfly.

Anya PWA 49.74
Maya MWA 49.75
Ella BWA 49.77
Tayla HWA 49.79
Emmeline BWA 49.88
Mataya LWA 50.00
Taeya SYERPK 50.02
Eva STULLY 50.04
Luca RGCSC 50.30
Marley TWA 50.51

Other events at the meet

8 years 50m BackstrokeFinal 56.33
8 years 50m BreaststrokeFinal 1:01.08
8 years 50m FreestyleFinal 42.06
Best event for the meet was the 8 years 50m Freestyle.

Cooper's Burleigh Aquatic Swimming Club 8 years 50m Butterfly (LC) Club Record History

Date Time Competitor Meet
30 Oct 2011 49.72 Indiana J RiverCity Rapids Qualifying Meet
9 Oct 2011 51.57 Indiana J St Hilda's Aquatics Sprint Classic
Check with the respective club for the "official club records" which may differ as these are made up from the times submitted to the website.


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