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Emma F

Immediate competition in 50m Backstroke.

Eena SWA 47.12
Chelsea FQLD 47.14
Olivia OQLD 47.15
Torah BQLD 47.15
Sophia CQLD 47.16
Evelyn DQLD 47.18
Violet CQLD 47.19
Eleanor MQLD 47.20
Zalie AQLD 47.20
Ruiya ZQLD 47.20

Other events at the meet

Best event for the meet was the 10 years and under 100m Medley.

Liz van Welie Aquatics Swimming Club 9 years 50m Backstroke (SC) Club Record History

Date Time Competitor Meet
20 Dec 2020 41.37 Addison S BOP Junior Clash 2020
17 Dec 2017 41.87 Tessa H 2017 BOP Junior Championships
11 Jun 2017 45.11 Tessa H XLR8 Your Points 2017
Check with the respective club for the "official club records" which may differ as these are made up from the times submitted to the website.


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