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Keira-Lee A

2018 NZ Short Course Championships (3 Oct 2018) - SC
Current Age: 20 Age at the meet: 14
Club: Taupo Swimming Club Event # 17B - 14 years 400m Freestyle (Final)
Time: 4:27.75 Personal Bests
FINA Point Score: 672

Immediate competition in 400m Freestyle.

Brooke BVIC 4:27.06
Zahri JQLD 4:27.09
Abby DWA 4:27.12
Sophie JVic 4:27.14
Georgia MSA 4:27.68
Delta CWA 4:27.81
Jesse WQLD 4:28.06
Zannah DNSW 4:28.07
Holly FQLD 4:28.11
Maddison AQLD 4:28.23

Other events at the meet

14 years 100m ButterflyFinal 1:08.80
14 years 100m FreestyleFinal 59.77
14 years 100m MedleyFinal 1:12.00
14 years 200m FreestyleFinal 2:06.91
14 years 200m MedleyFinal 2:30.17
14 years 400m MedleyFinal 5:24.27
14 years 50m BackstrokeFinal 32.20
14 years 50m ButterflyFinal 31.09
14 years 50m FreestyleFinal 28.34
Open 200m FreestyleFinal 2:07.01
Open 400m FreestyleFinal 4:32.85

Split Times

Keira-Lee A Fastest Competitor
Jordyn W
Distance Time Split Time Split
25m 14.51 14.51 14.23 14.23
50m 30.54 16.03 30.06 15.83
75m 46.96 16.42 46.28 16.22
100m 1:03.49 16.53 1:02.78 16.50
125m 1:20.23 16.74 1:19.39 16.61
150m 1:37.02 16.79 1:36.16 16.77
175m 1:53.93 16.91 1:53.13 16.97
200m 2:10.91 16.98 2:10.15 17.02
225m 2:27.68 16.77 2:27.03 16.88
250m 2:44.58 16.90 2:43.89 16.86
275m 3:01.68 17.10 3:00.94 17.05
300m 3:18.67 16.99 3:17.82 16.88
325m 3:35.02 16.35 3:34.58 16.76
350m 3:50.64 15.62 3:51.40 16.82
375m 4:11.24 20.60 4:08.81 17.41
400m 4:27.75 16.51 4:25.59 16.78

Taupo Swimming Club 14 years 400m Freestyle (SC) Club Record History

Date Time Competitor Meet
18 Jul 2019 4:23.00 Keira-Lee A 2019 State SC Championships
23 Sep 2007 4:26.85 Sarah F 2007 Spring Competition
21 Mar 2007 5:01.51 Sarah M 2007 Division II Competition
Check with the respective club for the "official club records" which may differ as these are made up from the times submitted to the website.


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