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Abigail S

Immediate competition in 50m Breaststroke.

Luciana TWA 37.50
Piper LWA 37.55
Ruby KVic 37.55
Zarah RVic 37.55
Sua SRACKL 37.56
Keely BWA 37.56
Skyler WSNT 37.57
Kyla DCANTE 37.71
Charlotte CFAIRH 37.72
Zoe DVic 37.73

Other events at the meet

Best event for the meet was the 15 years 100m Backstroke.

Gympie Gold Fins Swimming Club 15 years 50m Breaststroke (LC) Club Record History

Date Time Competitor Meet
6 Feb 2010 37.18 Katie C 2010 Queensland Sprint Champio
Check with the respective club for the "official club records" which may differ as these are made up from the times submitted to the website.


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