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Alex D

2004 Counsilman Classic (2 Apr 2004) - LC
Current Age: 40 Age at the meet: 19
Club: Unattached Event # 26 - Open 200m Medley (Heat)
Time: 2:09.48 Personal Bests

Immediate competition in 200m Medley.

Archie KNSW 2:08.78
Will MVic 2:08.89
Bryan ZVic 2:08.90
Adriano TWA 2:09.26
Cameron BVIC 2:09.39
Adam GVic 2:09.64
Jayden YWA 2:09.67
Mitchell SVic 2:09.72
Lucas MVic 2:09.73
Daniel CVic 2:09.96

Other events at the meet

Open 200m MedleyFinal 2:10.21


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