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Christopher E

Otago Anniversary LC Meet 2019 (23 Mar 2019) - LC
Current Age: 26 Age at the meet: 20
Club: Wharenui Swim Club Event # 9D - 16 years and over 100m Freestyle (Final)
Time: 53.27 Personal Bests
FINA Point Score: 822

Immediate competition in 100m Freestyle.

Noah KQLD 53.20
Callum RVic 53.23
Christopher PWA 53.26
Bart OVic 53.28
William LWA 53.28
Cooper SVIC 53.29
Lachlan GQLD 53.32
Nicholas LVic 53.32
Ike MQLD 53.33
Riley MVic 53.33

Other events at the meet

16 years and over 50m FreestyleFinal 24.19


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