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Scarlett W

Ice Breaker Autumn Festival (7 Apr 2019) - SC
Current Age: 14 Age at the meet: 8
Club: Carterton Swimming Club Event # 3A - 8 years and under 50m Breaststroke (Final)
Time: 58.68 Personal Bests
FINA Point Score: 116

Immediate competition in 50m Breaststroke.

Maggie TQLD 58.58
Eve SWA 58.60
Pauline WWA 58.64
Ava SQLD 58.65
Courtney LQLD 58.66
Millie DWA 58.68
Ella GQLD 58.69
Myna GQLD 58.72
Amelia KQLD 58.74
Farrah BWA 58.77

Carterton Swimming Club 8 years 50m Breaststroke (SC) Club Record History

Date Time Competitor Meet
16 Nov 2008 56.42 Brittany W Swim Hawkes Bay Meet
Check with the respective club for the "official club records" which may differ as these are made up from the times submitted to the website.


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