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Nikki C

2019 Golden Homes Swimfest 11th May (11 May 2019) - LC
Current Age: 27 Age at the meet: 21
Club: Howick Pakuranga, NZ Event # 8J - 17 years and over 50m Freestyle (Final)
Time: 29.17 Personal Bests
FINA Point Score: 534

Immediate competition in 50m Freestyle.

Xintian XQLD 29.17
Chelsea CQLD 29.17
Layla BQLD 29.17
Dana GQLD 29.17
Sara SVic 29.17
Ella OWA 29.17
Neve WWA 29.17
Charlotte HWA 29.17
Zara KWA 29.17
Umi INSW 29.18


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