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Thomas F

Immediate competition in 400m Freestyle.

Adriano TWA 3:59.47
Joshua CVic 4:00.25
Kaiden RWA 4:00.34
Lachlan WSA 4:00.51
Samuel HNSW 4:00.62
Clancy LSA 4:00.86
Sam CWA 4:01.14
Kalani CBOND 4:01.23
James GNSW 4:01.28
Noah MMARIS 4:01.54

Other events at the meet

15 years and under 400m MedleyFinal 4:45.49
Open 200m FreestyleFinal 1:56.94

Split Times

Distance Time Split
50m 27.48 27.48
100m 57.84 30.36
150m 1:28.79 30.95
200m 1:59.82 31.03
250m 2:30.52 30.70
300m 3:01.67 31.15
350m 3:32.69 31.02
400m 4:03.60 30.91

Hunter Swimming Club 14 years 400m Freestyle (SC) Club Record History

Date Time Competitor Meet
3 Jun 2011 4:00.82 Ryan L 2011 NSW State Open SC Championships
4 Aug 2006 4:03.60 Thomas F NSW State Open SC Championships 2006
8 Jul 2006 4:05.66 Thomas F NSW Country SC Championships 2006
Check with the respective club for the "official club records" which may differ as these are made up from the times submitted to the website.