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Deborah B

Stadium Masters Livelighter 1500m 2021 (15 May 2021) - LC
Current Age: 68 Age at the meet: 64
Club: Mandurah Masters Event # 2 - Open 200m Backstroke Split (Final)
Time: 38:14.99 Personal Bests
FINA Point Score: 0

Immediate competition in 200m Backstroke.

Carys MWSF 5:07.20
Cas BWSU 5:35.89
Hilary AWBM 5:44.44
Rachel DWSF 5:47.98
Erica MWAB 5:49.37
Audrey BWSU 6:08.73
Mary HWOP 6:08.97
Maureen HWAB 7:47.34
Glad MWMV 8:22.16
Helen UWSM 8:57.38

Other events at the meet

Open 1500m BackstrokeFinal 38:14.99


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