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Rylee S

2021 Long Course Preparation Meet #1 (10 Oct 2021) - LC
Current Age: 16 Age at the meet: 12
Club: Redcliffe Leagues SC Inc Event # 44B - 13 years 400m Freestyle Split (Final)
Time: 4:47.94 Personal Bests
FINA Point Score: 553

Immediate competition in 400m Freestyle.

Ella HPWCAL 4:47.22
Isabella OVic 4:47.37
Courtney MVic 4:47.47
Jasmine TSOMGC 4:47.50
Matilda GSOMGC 4:47.51
Alessandra CGCSC 4:47.59
Mena BNCOLL 4:47.60
Chelsea SSOMGC 4:47.69
Josie PWA 4:48.22
Kai TSRAYS 4:48.40

Other events at the meet

13 years 100m ButterflySplit 1:14.63
13 years 100m FreestyleFinal 1:02.95
13 years 200m ButterflyFinal 2:40.95
13 years 200m FreestyleSplit 2:21.25
13 years 50m ButterflySplit 33.86
13 years 50m FreestyleSplit 30.67
13 years 50m FreestyleSplit 32.21
13 years 800m FreestyleFinal 9:36.81
Best event for the meet was the 13 years 800m Freestyle.

Redcliffe Leagues Inc Swimming Club 12 years 400m Freestyle (LC) Club Record History

Date Time Competitor Meet
12 Jan 2003 4:30.74 Kylie P 2003 Queensland Championships
10 Apr 2000 4:40.62 Kate C 2000 Australian Age Championships
10 Apr 2000 4:41.54 Jessica E 2000 AUSTRALIAN AGE
Check with the respective club for the "official club records" which may differ as these are made up from the times submitted to the website.


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