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Jessica-Marie G

2022 Brisbane Metropolitan Relay Champs (30 Oct 2022) - LC
Current Age: 21 Age at the meet: 19
Club: UQ Swim Club Event # 25 - Open 50m Backstroke Split (Final)
Time: 30.84 Personal Bests
FINA Point Score: 669

Immediate competition in 50m Backstroke.

Makayla LVic 30.71
Indiana KIONA 30.71
Olivia WAUSCR 30.71
Alice MGUSC 30.73
Alyssa LSTAND 30.73
Maisy PSA 30.76
Katie HWA 30.76
Sophie GSAINT 30.93
Chloe RSTAND 30.94
Teagan FWA 30.96

Other events at the meet

Open 50m BackstrokeSplit 30.90


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