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Carissa W

Newman Churchlands ABC Club Challenge 2023 (19 Feb 2023) - LC
Current Age: 35 Age at the meet: 33
Club: Perth Rainbow Swans Event # 4 - Open 50m Freestyle (Final)
Time: 38.13 Personal Bests
FINA Point Score: 239

Immediate competition in 50m Freestyle.

Lee EWLM 37.93
Gloria SWOP 38.03
Caroline GWMV 38.16
Jillian SWWF 38.18
Tessa BWIW 38.22
Wendy DWFR 38.25
Kate SWML 38.27
Jacinta EWIW 38.28
Georgina PWFR 38.31
Ceilidh RWBP 38.34


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