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Alexandra F

2023 SWA Age and Open Qualifier (8 Jul 2023) - SC
Current Age: 14 Age at the meet: 13
Club: Fremantle Port Event # 13 - Open 50m Freestyle (Final)
Time: 31.92 Personal Bests
FINA Point Score: 370

Immediate competition in 50m Freestyle.

Sophie HNCT 31.88
Bernice Hao ZVPSC 31.90
Claire AQLD 31.90
Lara RQLD 31.90
Makeea SQLD 31.94
Aimee OCELTS 31.94
Rebecca KUNATW 31.95
Amelia BSSPW 31.97
Lynlee SASC 31.97
Ava CNCH 31.98

Other events at the meet

Open 100m BreaststrokeFinal 1:24.45
Open 200m BreaststrokeFinal 3:00.35
Open 50m BackstrokeFinal 36.98
Open 50m BreaststrokeFinal 38.96
Open 50m ButterflyFinal 36.24
Best event for the meet was the Open 200m Breaststroke.

Fremantle Port Swimming Club 13 years 50m Freestyle (SC) Club Record History

Date Time Competitor Meet
24 Jul 2010 28.36 Lucy J 2010 HFMF State Age SC Champio
17 Jun 2001 28.42 Samantha P 2001 Region 3 June SC Meet
7 Aug 1999 28.75 Jennifer W STATE WINTER SC 1999
15 Aug 1998 29.13 Esther B State Winters 98 Short Course
4 Jul 1998 30.18 Natalie W 1998 ALBANY SHORT COURSE
Check with the respective club for the "official club records" which may differ as these are made up from the times submitted to the website.