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Thomas W

2023 Apollo Projects NZ Short Course Swimming (8 Aug 2023) - SC
Current Age: 21 Age at the meet: 19
Club: Jasi Swim Club Event # 3 - 13 years and over 100m Medley (Heat)
Time: 59.26 Personal Bests
FINA Point Score: 610

Immediate competition in 100m Medley.

Alexander AQLD 59.14
Adam SVic 59.14
Cameron JVIC 59.15
Mitchell SVic 59.17
Nicolas MVic 59.17
Joshua WVic 59.22
Alexandre AQLD 59.24
Joseph JQLD 59.29
Harrison HWA 59.35
Ethan BWA 59.35

Split Times

Thomas W Fastest Competitor
Zac D
Distance Time Split Time Split
25m 12.14 12.14 10.88 10.88
50m 27.14 15.00 24.35 13.47
75m 44.98 17.84 40.56 16.21
100m 59.26 14.28 54.29 13.73


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