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Layne H

Immediate competition in 5000m Freestyle.

Marseleima Maafu Vos MFIJ 1:10:24.52
Rachel OWA 1:10:41.07
Charmaine FWA 1:11:07.88
Alyssa PWA 1:11:38.21
Summer MVic 1:11:57.52
Grace HWA 1:12:23.63
Serena QWA 1:12:32.97
Bethany FWA 1:12:36.31
Stella DWA 1:12:47.84
Grace RVic 1:13:39.91

ROCKY CITY Swimming Club 15 years 5000m Freestyle (LC) Club Record History

Date Time Competitor Meet
16 Oct 2021 1:01:16.24 Taryn R 2021 Queensland OWS Championships
Check with the respective club for the "official club records" which may differ as these are made up from the times submitted to the website.


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