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Indy D

Immediate competition in 25m Freestyle.

Vesper DCLAQ 28.03
Tayla SUWSC 28.26
Noa SKLG 28.62
Jumana ARVA 30.27
Millen AWCA 30.39
Katherine OKAR 31.24
Libby WYOR 31.39
Caitlyn WSTSH 32.39
Makayla DARMA 32.47
Andrea CQLD 32.50

Other events at the meet

Open 25m BackstrokeFinal 34.56

Kalgoorlie Swimming Club 7 years 25m Freestyle (LC) Club Record History

Date Time Competitor Meet
1 May 2016 29.11 Maddison C SunSmart Splash & Dash Final
Check with the respective club for the "official club records" which may differ as these are made up from the times submitted to the website.


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