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Eng Howe Nicholas T

FINA World Cup 2011 Stage 5 - Singapore (5 Nov 2011) - SC
Current Age: 35 Age at the meet: 21
Club: Singapore Swimming Federation Event # 30 - Open 50m Freestyle (Heat)
Time: 24.11 Personal Bests
FINA Point Score: 597

Immediate competition in 50m Freestyle.

James LVic 24.08
Ethan NQLD 24.11
Luca WQLD 24.11
Aidan LSA 24.11
Lachlan IWA 24.11
Cooper James LQLD 24.13
Stephan PWA 24.13
Charlie KQLD 24.14
Owen KVic 24.14
Lucas FWA 24.15


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