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Ashton M

Immediate competition in 50m Freestyle.

Harry DWA 52.31
Ari ZQLD 52.42
Elliot OWA 52.52
Aben AWA 52.55
Benjamin SQLD 52.57
Vincent TWA 52.59
Tyson DQLD 52.60
Matao PQLD 52.73
Jarrah DWA 52.75
Fletcher RQLD 52.77

Other events at the meet

Open 25m BackstrokeFinal 26.66
Open 25m BreaststrokeFinal 32.31
Open 25m FreestyleFinal 21.27

West Auckland Aquatics Swimming Club 8 years 50m Freestyle (SC) Club Record History

Date Time Competitor Meet
11 May 2008 40.48 James O WZ L3 MAY 2008
13 Oct 2007 44.32 Gryffydd T WZ L3 13 OCT 2007
22 Apr 2007 45.84 Gryffydd T WZ L3 22 APRIL 2007
25 Mar 2007 52.05 Gryffydd T WZ L3 25 MARCH 2007
Check with the respective club for the "official club records" which may differ as these are made up from the times submitted to the website.


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