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400 plus 50's 09 (16 May 2009) - SC
Current Age: 38 Age at the meet: 22
Club: North Shore Swimming Event # 9J - 16 years and over 50m Butterfly (Final)
Time: 25.33 Personal Bests
FINA Point Score: 728

Immediate competition in 50m Butterfly.

James GNSW 25.28
Logan RSA 25.29
Daniel WQLD 25.32
Jesse MWA 25.34
Zachary TQLD 25.36
Jack GQLD 25.36
Charlie LQLD 25.36
Sam KQLD 25.36
Sam CWA 25.38
Joeuel CVic 25.41

Other events at the meet

16 years and over 50m FreestyleFinal 23.55


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