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Millie B

Immediate competition in 50m Breaststroke.

Bella HQLD 51.52
Isla Huijing BQLD 51.53
Katinka TQLD 51.53
Sabine KWA 51.53
Madison TQLD 51.54
Ava EQLD 51.55
Nirvana BQLD 51.56
Suzanna IQLD 51.56
Sienna VWA 51.56
Alana JWA 51.56

Other events at the meet

11 years 100m FreestyleHeat 1:22.13
11 years 100m MedleyHeat 1:37.30
11 years 200m BackstrokeFinal 3:15.75
11 years 200m MedleyFinal 3:23.39
11 years 50m BackstrokeHeat 41.13
11 years 50m FreestyleHeat 36.88
Best event for the meet was the 11 years 200m Backstroke.

Primo Sundevils Swimming Club 11 years 50m Breaststroke (SC) Club Record History

Date Time Competitor Meet
1 Nov 2009 43.02 Claudia K Greendale Spring Meet
30 Aug 2009 43.26 Claudia K Swimming HBPB 2009 Winter Champs
30 Mar 2008 47.51 Danielle R 2008HBPBUP&COMERS
Check with the respective club for the "official club records" which may differ as these are made up from the times submitted to the website.


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