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FINA/Arena Swimming World Cup 2012 (10 Nov 2012) - SC
Current Age: 28 Age at the meet: 16
Club: China Event # 3 - Open 200m Freestyle (Heat)
Time: 2:02.56 Personal Bests
FINA Point Score: 746

Immediate competition in 200m Freestyle.

Madeleine TSA 2:02.05
Elloise DQLD 2:02.38
Alannah TVic 2:02.38
Aleisha CVic 2:02.39
Helen SWA 2:02.44
Emma DQLD 2:02.52
Elyse WWA 2:02.56
Ingrid BWA 2:02.95
Greta SVic 2:02.96
Zahri JQLD 2:03.04

Other events at the meet

Open 100m FreestyleHeat 56.42
Open 200m FreestyleFinal 2:02.30
Open 50m FreestyleHeat 25.77
Best event for the meet was the Open 200m Freestyle.

Split Times

YANAN Z Fastest Competitor
Katinka H
Distance Time Split Time Split
50m 28.26 28.26 27.76 27.76
100m 59.23 30.97 57.24 29.48
150m 1:31.27 32.04 1:26.72 29.48
200m 2:02.56 31.29 1:55.58 28.86

China Swimming Club 16 years 200m Freestyle (SC) Club Record History

Date Time Competitor Meet
11 Dec 2018 1:53.23 Jianjiahe W 14th FINA World Swimming Championships (25m)
3 Dec 2014 1:53.26 YUHAN Q 12th FINA World Swimming Championships (25m)
24 Oct 2014 1:56.37 MEICHEN S FINA/MASTBANK Swimming World Cup 2014
8 Nov 2011 1:58.94 FEI W FINA World Cup 2011 Stage 6 - Beijing
Check with the respective club for the "official club records" which may differ as these are made up from the times submitted to the website.


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