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Chloe B

Immediate competition in 25m Breaststroke.

Aroha CWA 34.29
Paisley FWA 34.48
Charlotte RWA 34.66
Denise JWA 35.30
Annabella QWA 35.56
Maddison QWA 35.56
Maya HBJETS 36.77
Lily OWA 36.79
Caitlyn HWA 37.66
Skye FIGSS 37.70

Other events at the meet

7 years 25m BackstrokeFinal 33.97
7 years 25m ButterflyFinal 37.45
7 years 25m FreestyleFinal 30.86

Highfields Amateur Swim Club Swimming Club 7 years 25m Breaststroke (SC) Club Record History

Date Time Competitor Meet
16 Feb 2020 29.84 Louisa L Texas Swimming Meet
8 Nov 2009 30.79 Isabella M RJ McNamara-DD Sprints 2009
Check with the respective club for the "official club records" which may differ as these are made up from the times submitted to the website.


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