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Elise W

CT Cyclones Swim Meet (8 Sep 2012) - LC
Current Age: 24 Age at the meet: 12
Club: Albany Creek Event # 54B - 11 years and over 200m Backstroke (Final)
Time: 2:36.44 Personal Bests
FINA Point Score: 508 Australian Age Point Score: 38

Immediate competition in 200m Backstroke.

Isabella DGUSC 2:36.03
Molly BKAWTR 2:36.19
Larni DBELGR 2:36.25
Mia BMACKA 2:36.64
Kiara SVic 2:36.71
Evie DWA 2:36.75
Aisling RSTHPT 2:36.75
Jessica CMIAMI 2:36.79
Sophie DWA 2:36.84
Tahlia HSOMAQ 2:36.86

Other events at the meet

11 to 12 years 200m MedleyFinal 2:40.12
12 years 100m BackstrokeFinal 1:13.59
12 years 100m BreaststrokeFinal 1:31.06
12 years 100m ButterflyFinal 1:15.16
12 years 100m FreestyleFinal 1:04.34
Best event for the meet was the 12 years 100m Freestyle.

Albany Creek Swimming Club 12 years 200m Backstroke (LC) Club Record History

Date Time Competitor Meet
14 Dec 2019 2:23.51 Jaclyn B 2019 McDonald's Queensland Championships
9 Apr 2002 2:25.47 Kacey C 2002 Australian Age Championships
7 Jan 2002 2:27.41 Kacey C 2002 QLD Championships
7 Jan 2002 2:27.41 Kacey C 2002 Queensland Open & Age State Championship
8 Jan 2001 2:34.59 Chelyn B 2001 QSA State Championships
Check with the respective club for the "official club records" which may differ as these are made up from the times submitted to the website.