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Olivia Z

Immediate competition in 25m Freestyle.

Mariia NWA 22.16
Chloe LWA 22.51
Denise JWA 22.54
Eechyn SWA 22.77
Indiana YRBSC 22.77
Piper BWA 22.84
Katherine OWA 23.03
Blaire WWA 23.08
Hannah GWA 23.13
Martha BWA 23.13

Other events at the meet

8 to 10 years 100m MedleyFinal 2:12.71
9 years 25m BackstrokeFinal 27.19
9 years 25m BreaststrokeFinal 31.76
9 years 25m ButterflyFinal 22.89
Best event for the meet was the 8 to 10 years 100m Medley.

Fairymead Swimming Club 9 years 25m Freestyle (SC) Club Record History

Date Time Competitor Meet
6 Feb 2016 17.23 Olivia W Cooloola Coast Crocs Swim Meet
16 Jan 2016 21.46 Elizabeth W Burnett Fraser B Grade Qualifying Meet 2016
19 Jan 2013 22.64 Charlotte B Burnett Fraser Development Meet
Check with the respective club for the "official club records" which may differ as these are made up from the times submitted to the website.


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