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Richard B

Immediate competition in 400m Medley.

Oscar KNSW 4:29.22
Harrison BSA 4:29.88
Luke HNSW 4:30.36
Samuel HVic 4:30.57
Jack GVic 4:30.82
Alessio MWA 4:31.51
Will SVic 4:31.58
Adriano TWA 4:31.64
Harvey LVic 4:32.66
Luke BNSW 4:33.38

Other events at the meet

Open 1500m FreestyleFinal 16:17.54
Open 200m BackstrokeFinal 2:09.78
Open 400m FreestyleHeat 4:03.96
Open 400m MedleyFinal 4:29.93


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