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Immediate competition in 100m Breaststroke.

Katherine PQLD 1:34.58
Fieke PWA 1:34.58
Lauren DVIC 1:34.63
Zoe SQLD 1:34.65
Etosha NWA 1:34.66
Lilah SVIC 1:34.68
Janine HWA 1:34.68
Indi BQLD 1:34.71
Ava DWA 1:34.71
Vanessa YWA 1:34.72

Other events at the meet

15 years and over 1500m FreestyleFinal 20:51.95
Open 100m BackstrokeHeat 1:23.00
Open 100m FreestyleHeat 1:09.35
Open 200m BreaststrokeHeat 3:17.52
Open 400m FreestyleHeat 5:10.14
Open 50m FreestyleHeat 32.48

Bison Aquatics Club Swimming Club 15 years 100m Breaststroke (LC) Club Record History

Date Time Competitor Meet
30 Nov 2018 1:14.03 Clarissa S 2018 Winter National Championships
9 Jul 2003 1:25.46 Lauren P 2003 Speedo Champions Series
16 May 2003 1:27.20 Lauren P 2003 Bolles School Sharks LC I
Check with the respective club for the "official club records" which may differ as these are made up from the times submitted to the website.


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