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Annaliese S

Immediate competition in 50m Backstroke.

Jade BWA 1:13.31
Chelsea GQLD 1:13.44
Yvette BWA 1:13.72
Lana MWA 1:13.90
Jennifer VWA 1:13.95
Michelle CWA 1:14.02
Shiloh MWA 1:14.08
Halle JQLD 1:14.20
Jacqueline EWA 1:14.81
Tillie HQLD 1:14.82

Lakewood Recreation Swim Team Swimming Club 8 years 50m Backstroke (LC) Club Record History

Date Time Competitor Meet
1 Jul 2005 52.30 Katie W St. Petersburg Aquatic - Long
13 May 2005 1:18.18 Kaitlyn G SPA FRIDAY NITE RACES
Check with the respective club for the "official club records" which may differ as these are made up from the times submitted to the website.


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