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Sarah M

Immediate competition in 200m Breaststroke.

Megan LQLD 2:49.54
Jewel SQLD 2:49.61
Annabel TVic 2:49.70
Amelie IQLD 2:49.72
Lucinda DVic 2:49.83
Lucy RVic 2:49.96
Rosie BVIC 2:49.97
Nicole BVIC 2:49.97
Joanne LVic 2:49.98
Sharmayne GQLD 2:50.19

Other events at the meet

Open 100m BreaststrokeFinal 1:18.59
Open 100m BreaststrokeHeat 1:19.70
Open 200m BreaststrokeFinal 2:48.06
Open 200m MedleyHeat 2:40.25
Open 400m MedleyFinal 5:31.05
Open 400m MedleyHeat 5:31.98


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