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Jeffrey C

Immediate competition in 100m Breaststroke.

Shepherd MQLD 1:19.97
Warne MQLD 1:20.01
Ali ASA 1:20.03
Thomas NVic 1:20.11
Sebastian MQLD 1:20.12
Deon BQLD 1:20.13
Hunter BQLD 1:20.14
Benjamin MWA 1:20.15
Isaac FQLD 1:20.16
Fai Vula MQLD 1:20.23

Other events at the meet

Open 100m BreaststrokeHeat 1:23.28
Open 200m BreaststrokeHeat 2:53.52
Open 200m BreaststrokeFinal 2:54.03
Open 200m MedleyHeat 2:47.49

Carrollwood Village Swim Team Swimming Club 17 years 100m Breaststroke (LC) Club Record History

Date Time Competitor Meet
4 Jun 2004 1:18.28 Jose B 2004 TAMPA BAY SWIM CLASSIC
30 Apr 2004 1:20.72 Cesar C WFLA SPRING OPEN
Check with the respective club for the "official club records" which may differ as these are made up from the times submitted to the website.


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