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Katherine W

Immediate competition in 100m Freestyle.

Isla LQLD 1:07.95
Emily AQLD 1:07.95
Charlotte AVic 1:07.96
Amelia TQLD 1:07.98
Alexandra HSA 1:07.98
Lily BWA 1:07.99
Alyssa GWA 1:08.00
Alyssa BNSW 1:08.00
Milla TQLD 1:08.01
Ivy RQLD 1:08.01

Other events at the meet

15 years and over 1500m FreestyleFinal 19:35.28
Open 100m ButterflyFinal 1:19.94
Open 200m ButterflyFinal 2:54.25
Open 200m FreestyleFinal 2:26.60
Open 200m MedleyFinal 2:49.98
Open 400m FreestyleFinal 4:58.11
Open 400m MedleyFinal 6:01.41
Open 50m FreestyleFinal 31.71

Carrollwood Village Swim Team Swimming Club 15 years 100m Freestyle (LC) Club Record History

Date Time Competitor Meet
26 Jul 2007 1:02.21 Molly S 2007 FL Swim LC SR Championships
12 Jun 2003 1:03.67 CARLY C Florida Sunshine State Games
2 May 2003 1:08.69 Kaitlin L WFLA SPRING OPEN
Check with the respective club for the "official club records" which may differ as these are made up from the times submitted to the website.


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