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Stacy R

Immediate competition in 100m Backstroke.

Eloise RVic 1:09.67
Sasa MVic 1:09.69
Mia BQLD 1:09.70
Molly AQLD 1:09.70
Maisy SWA 1:09.70
Samara HQLD 1:09.71
Ruby WQLD 1:09.75
Zoe CVic 1:09.78
Brielle KWA 1:09.78
Zoe CQLD 1:09.79

Other events at the meet

Open 100m BackstrokeHeat 1:08.42
Open 100m BackstrokeFinal 1:09.05
Open 100m ButterflyFinal 1:08.03
Open 100m ButterflyHeat 1:08.56
Open 200m BackstrokeFinal 2:27.70
Open 200m BackstrokeHeat 2:27.72


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