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Rhiannon W

TIME TRIAL 06/06/08 (6 Jun 2008) - SC
Current Age: 28 Age at the meet: 12
Club: Kalgoorlie Event # 16 - Open 50m Freestyle (Final)
Time: 37.00 Personal Bests

Immediate competition in 50m Freestyle.

Yati VRVA 36.84
Amelia HUNATW 36.88
Macy CNCT 36.92
Elin LSHILD 36.93
Amelia CQLD 36.96
Olivia GQLD 36.96
Lola KAAA 36.96
Jerica HQLD 37.04
Heidi HCOP 37.14
Mia CBRW 37.14

Other events at the meet

Open 200m MedleyFinal 3:22.16
Open 50m BackstrokeFinal 46.18
Open 50m BreaststrokeFinal 46.17
Open 50m ButterflyFinal 46.70

Kalgoorlie Swimming Club 12 years 50m Freestyle (SC) Club Record History

Date Time Competitor Meet
2 Jun 2007 30.00 Imogen G Southlake Dolphins S/C Sprint
5 Aug 2006 30.44 Brittany P Southlake Dolphins S/C Sprint
17 Jul 2004 30.89 Natahlia G 2004 Kalgoorlie SC Carnival
31 Jul 2004 30.89 Natahlia G 2004 Southlake Dolphins SC Carnival
25 Jul 1999 32.13 BRIANNA B 1999 Kalgoorlie Novice SC Carnival
Check with the respective club for the "official club records" which may differ as these are made up from the times submitted to the website.