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Addison C

2009 Neurosurgical Assoc. Summer Inv. (18 Jun 2009) - LC
Current Age: 32 Age at the meet: 16
Club: Charlotte County Swimming Event # 20 - Open 200m Freestyle (Final)
Time: 2:00.52 Personal Bests
FINA Point Score: 663

Immediate competition in 200m Freestyle.

Oliver CQLD 2:00.42
Samuel GQLD 2:00.43
Liam PVic 2:00.45
Finn OWA 2:00.47
William MQLD 2:00.49
Declan SQLD 2:00.54
Jacob MVic 2:00.58
Hayden BQLD 2:00.59
Ewan SVic 2:00.59
Zachary SVic 2:00.59

Other events at the meet

Open 100m BackstrokeHeat 1:07.76
Open 100m BackstrokeFinal 1:07.79
Open 100m BackstrokeSplit 1:08.75
Open 100m FreestyleSwim-off 54.41
Open 100m FreestyleFinal 56.00
Open 100m FreestyleSplit 56.27
Open 100m FreestyleHeat 56.30
Open 200m BackstrokeFinal 2:22.65
Open 200m BackstrokeHeat 2:24.28
Open 200m FreestyleHeat 2:02.22
Open 400m FreestyleFinal 4:28.54
Open 400m MedleyHeat 5:02.90
Open 50m FreestyleFinal 25.76
Open 50m FreestyleHeat 26.06
Open 800m FreestyleFinal 8:56.35
Best event for the meet was the Open 100m Freestyle.

Split Times

Addison C Fastest Competitor
Greg B
Distance Time Split Time Split
50m 28.49 28.49 27.90 27.90
100m 58.88 30.39 57.94 30.04
150m 1:30.19 31.31 1:28.62 30.68
200m 2:00.52 30.33 1:57.05 28.43

Charlotte County Swimming Swimming Club 16 years 200m Freestyle (LC) Club Record History

Date Time Competitor Meet
23 Jul 2009 1:58.13 Addison C 2009 FL Swimming LC SR Champs
16 Jul 2009 1:59.24 Addison C 2009 Southern Zone LC Sectional Champs
19 Mar 2009 1:59.69 Addison C SPEEDO Champions Series-SZ-South Sectional
24 Jul 2008 2:01.13 Trevor S FL Swimming LC SR Champs 2008
26 Jul 2007 2:05.83 JEFFREY L 2007 FL Swim LC SR Championships
Check with the respective club for the "official club records" which may differ as these are made up from the times submitted to the website.


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