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Bennett M

09FGLongCourseJO-072309-PST (23 Jul 2009) - LC
Current Age: 26 Age at the meet: 10
Club: YMCA of Broward County Event # 52 - 10 years and under 200m Medley (Heat)
Time: 3:21.06 Personal Bests
Australian Age Point Score: 3

Immediate competition in 200m Medley.

Max SWA 3:20.84
Reuben WQLD 3:20.91
Landon WQLD 3:21.10
Thomas DWA 3:21.11
Bradley MQLD 3:21.16
Oliver DQLD 3:21.18
Zach LQLD 3:21.20
Manaia MQLD 3:21.22
Edmund LWA 3:21.25
Nate KQLD 3:21.29

YMCA of Broward County Swimming Club 10 years 200m Medley (LC) Club Record History

Date Time Competitor Meet
15 May 2009 3:18.66 Bennett M 09FGCBroward-LCM-Invite-PST-051509-fg13
Check with the respective club for the "official club records" which may differ as these are made up from the times submitted to the website.


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