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Grace J

MARCH TIME TRIALS 2009 (1 Mar 2009) - SC
Current Age: 25 Age at the meet: 9
Club: Canning Districts Event # 2 - Open 50m Freestyle (Final)
Time: 39.46 Personal Bests
FINA Point Score: 220

Immediate competition in 50m Freestyle.

Mara Ella RALBA 39.34
Rose BUWSC 39.34
Scarlett BSHILD 39.38
Isabella MESPE 39.39
Emilia BNCT 39.40
Indi RQLD 39.42
Clare BQLD 39.42
Sophie LQLD 39.42
Charlotte RRVA 39.55
Ella Luna TBRM 39.57

Other events at the meet

Open 100m FreestyleFinal 1:28.45
Open 100m MedleyFinal 1:39.62
Open 200m FreestyleFinal 3:09.94
Open 25m ButterflyFinal 20.63
Open 50m BreaststrokeFinal 50.84
Open 50m ButterflyFinal 48.10

Canning Districts Swimming Club 9 years 50m Freestyle (SC) Club Record History

Date Time Competitor Meet
21 Sep 2019 37.10 Zanneh B 2019 SWA Junior SC Championships
18 Jul 1998 37.92 SAMANTHA M 1998 Mandurah
Check with the respective club for the "official club records" which may differ as these are made up from the times submitted to the website.