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Benjamin F

Winter Haven Stingrays "The Rowdy Cup!" (16 Apr 2011) - LC
Current Age: 30 Age at the meet: 16
Club: Brandon Sports & Aquatic Cente Event # 18 - Open 200m Freestyle (Final)
Time: 2:18.81 Personal Bests
FINA Point Score: 397 Australian Age Point Score: 19

Immediate competition in 200m Freestyle.

Avin RQLD 2:18.57
Nathan AQLD 2:18.57
Oliver LQLD 2:18.62
Taj MQLD 2:18.62
Toby BQLD 2:18.78
Samuel NQLD 2:18.80
Spencer DVic 2:18.84
Theo PWA 2:18.84
Keian CSA 2:18.93
Ivan ZQLD 2:19.05

Other events at the meet

15 years and over 400m FreestyleFinal 4:50.11
Open 100m BackstrokeFinal 1:18.08
Open 100m ButterflyFinal 1:13.51
Open 100m FreestyleFinal 1:04.15
Open 200m MedleyFinal 2:41.82
Open 50m FreestyleFinal 28.37
Best event for the meet was the 15 years and over 400m Freestyle.

Split Times

Benjamin F Fastest Competitor
Addison C
Distance Time Split Time Split
100m 1:07.55 1:07.55 1:01.19 1:01.19
200m 2:18.81 1:11.26 2:05.57 1:04.38

Brandon Sports & Aquatic Cente Swimming Club 16 years 200m Freestyle (LC) Club Record History

Date Time Competitor Meet
15 Feb 2008 1:55.69 Jason T Missouri Grand Prix
6 Aug 2007 1:56.76 Eric M 2007 Speedo Junior National Championships
12 Jul 2007 1:57.62 Eric M SPEEDO Champions Series-SZSS
11 May 2007 2:04.28 Jason T 2007 BSAC Blue Wave Invitational
5 Nov 2006 2:05.61 Aleksanders A Sarasota YMCA Long Course Invitational
Check with the respective club for the "official club records" which may differ as these are made up from the times submitted to the website.


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