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Laura J

St. Petersburg Aquatics - Long Course Invit (3 Jul 2011) - LC
Current Age: 33 Age at the meet: 19
Club: The Berkeley Barracudas Event # 89 - Open 100m Freestyle (Final)
Time: 1:01.85 Personal Bests
FINA Point Score: 597

Immediate competition in 100m Freestyle.

Georgia WQLD 1:01.79
Rebecca WQLD 1:01.79
Brydee RQLD 1:01.80
Layla MSA 1:01.85
Lisa RQLD 1:01.86
Sara SVic 1:01.86
Charlotte BQLD 1:01.88
Lucy DVic 1:01.88
Courtney MVic 1:01.89
Chloe WWA 1:01.90

Other events at the meet

Open 100m BreaststrokeFinal 1:23.26
Open 100m ButterflyFinal 1:09.85
Open 200m FreestyleFinal 2:17.05
Open 200m MedleyFinal 2:33.43
Open 50m FreestyleFinal 27.97
Best event for the meet was the Open 50m Freestyle.


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