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Madison K

Marlin May Meet (18 May 2012) - LC
Current Age: 23 Age at the meet: 10
Club: Gator Swim Club Event # 1 - 10 years and under 400m Freestyle (Final)
Time: 5:33.40 Personal Bests
Australian Age Point Score: 15

Immediate competition in 400m Freestyle.

Ariah CQLD 5:33.04
Menna JQLD 5:33.12
Riley HWA 5:33.23
Marley BQLD 5:33.28
Ashlyn IWA 5:33.34
Amelie IQLD 5:33.44
Kyah TQLD 5:33.50
Ruby WQLD 5:33.75
Daya NQLD 5:33.76
Lily KVic 5:33.76

Other events at the meet

10 years and under 200m FreestyleFinal 2:40.68
10 years and under 200m MedleyFinal 3:03.70
Open 100m BackstrokeFinal 1:30.28
Open 100m ButterflyFinal 1:26.04
Open 50m ButterflyFinal 37.79
Best event for the meet was the Open 50m Butterfly.

Gator Swim Club Swimming Club 10 years 400m Freestyle (LC) Club Record History

Date Time Competitor Meet
17 Jul 2008 5:03.98 Kahra W 2008 FL Swimming JO LC Championships
26 Jun 2008 5:12.29 Kahra W TYR Summer Classic LC Invitational
28 Jun 2007 5:29.27 Rachel M Speedo Summer Classic LC Invitational
21 Jun 2007 5:32.38 Rachel M SARASOTA YMCA SHARKS--SHARK OPEN
7 Jun 2007 5:43.28 Rachel M 2007Lennar Homes Summer Invitational
Check with the respective club for the "official club records" which may differ as these are made up from the times submitted to the website.


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