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Zoe S

2013 Daytona Beach Spring Open (14 Apr 2013) - LC
Current Age: 28 Age at the meet: 16
Club: YMCA of Florida's First Coast Event # 67 - Open 50m Freestyle (Final)
Time: 33.34 Personal Bests
FINA Point Score: 361 Australian Age Point Score: 18

Immediate competition in 50m Freestyle.

Anabella LWA 33.33
Joy ZQLD 33.33
Mackenzie ZQLD 33.34
Izobella TQLD 33.34
Evie LVic 33.34
Brigid TWA 33.34
Qiana CWA 33.35
Elyssa NWA 33.35
Chloee LQLD 33.35
Harper BQLD 33.35

Other events at the meet

Open 100m BackstrokeFinal 1:30.14
Open 100m BreaststrokeFinal 1:40.47
Open 100m FreestyleFinal 1:14.05
Open 200m BreaststrokeFinal 3:35.00
Open 200m MedleyFinal 3:16.51

YMCA of Florida's First Coast Swimming Club 16 years 50m Freestyle (LC) Club Record History

Date Time Competitor Meet
29 May 2009 27.16 Katherine Z NTC Fast Lane Summer LC Invite
28 May 2008 33.60 Sara W NTC Fast Lane Summer LC Invite
11 Apr 2008 35.49 Sara W Spring Splash Odd Age Group Meet
Check with the respective club for the "official club records" which may differ as these are made up from the times submitted to the website.


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