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Jason Y

Immediate competition in 100m Backstroke.

James GSOSC 1:09.80
Jacob RALST 1:10.49
Kessler MTWIN 1:11.60
Lachlan TALST 1:12.30
Jackson SALST 1:12.90
Will HALST 1:13.26
Luke HWASC 1:13.33
William BALST 1:13.55
Alec HCOFH 1:15.29
Jude BCOFH 1:15.89

Other events at the meet

Best event for the meet was the 10 years and under 100m Freestyle.

Split Times

Distance Time Split
50m 38.53 38.53
100m 1:18.22 39.69

Macquarie University Swimming Club 10 years 100m Backstroke (LC) Club Record History

Date Time Competitor Meet
7 Jan 2012 1:14.08 Alex L NSW State 10/U - 12 Years Age Championships
5 Nov 2011 1:16.00 Alex L SMNW Summer Championships 2011
11 Sep 2011 1:18.24 Alex L Club Challenge Cup 2011
Check with the respective club for the "official club records" which may differ as these are made up from the times submitted to the website.