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Event Results Private Club League Championship

Events Private Club League Championship
Women's 15 to 18 years
100m Backstroke
100m Breaststroke
100m Butterfly
50m Freestyle
100m Freestyle
200m Medley

June swim meets
Saturday, 10 June 2006 to Sunday, 11 June 2006
Northshore Pool, St. Petersburg
Splits Graph
Women's 15 to 18 years 100m Butterfly
Time Name Club Age FINA PS Splits Ranking
Personal Performance 1. 58.82 Katie K COUNTRYSIDE COUNTRY CLUB AQUA 17 Splits
Personal Performance 2. 1:01.73 KYLIE K COUNTRYSIDE COUNTRY CLUB AQUA 17 Splits
Personal Performance 3. 1:03.20 Meg A Tampa Yacht & Country Club 15 Splits
Personal Performance 4. 1:04.32 Nicole S COUNTRYSIDE COUNTRY CLUB AQUA 16 Splits
5. 1:09.98 TARA C Bardmoor Aquatic Team 16 Splits
Personal Performance 6. 1:11.93 ALLISON G COUNTRYSIDE COUNTRY CLUB AQUA 15 Splits
7. 1:14.26 TAYLOR S Palma Ceia Country Club 16 Splits
8. 1:18.03 Julianne T COUNTRYSIDE COUNTRY CLUB AQUA 16 Splits
9. 1:18.56 Kristin T Bardmoor Aquatic Team 16 Splits
Personal Performance 10. 1:24.74 MICHELLE W Palma Ceia Country Club 15 Splits
11. 1:24.84 TRICIA A Bardmoor Aquatic Team 17 Splits
12. 1:27.97 SARA H Tampa Yacht & Country Club 16 Splits
13. 1:30.41 Davis W Palma Ceia Country Club 15 Splits
Meet Results
