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Nick S

Immediate competition in 5000m Freestyle.

Kaiden RWA 55:08.37
Adam SWA 55:19.80
Giacomo LWA 55:21.20
Xavier CWA 56:12.12
Tex CWA 57:13.32
Thomas DWA 57:21.43
Rowan BWA 57:22.64
Hayden FWA 57:23.25
Alessio MWA 57:42.02
Benjamin JWA 57:43.35

Other events at the meet

17 to 18 years 10000m FreestyleFinal 1:53:14.13

Queensland Swimming Club 18 years 5000m Freestyle (OW) Club Record History

Date Time Competitor Meet
19 Dec 2015 57:44.83 Nick S 2015 NSW State Age and Open 5 and 10km OWS
Check with the respective club for the "official club records" which may differ as these are made up from the times submitted to the website.


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