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Phoebe W

2016 Speedo QLD Short Course Qualifying Meet (17 Jul 2016) - SC
Current Age: 23 Age at the meet: 14
Club: St Peters Western Event # 49C - 14 years 800m Freestyle (Final)
Time: 9:09.11 Personal Bests
FINA Point Score: 665

Immediate competition in 800m Freestyle.

Greta SVic 8:51.76
Rylee SSCGS 8:54.47
Jessica CMIAMI 8:56.24
Ella RNOOSA 8:56.41
Macy BSTPET 8:57.32
Arabella BSA 8:57.69
Chloe RSTAND 8:58.90
Lily BWA 8:58.95
Ingrid BWA 8:59.04
Lucy DVic 8:59.85

Other events at the meet

14 years 200m ButterflyFinal 2:32.15
14 years 200m MedleyFinal 2:25.97
14 years 400m FreestyleFinal 4:27.70
Best event for the meet was the 14 years 400m Freestyle.

Split Times

Phoebe W Fastest Competitor
Chloe G
Distance Time Split Time Split
25m 14.73 14.73 14.28 14.28
50m 31.50 16.77 30.34 16.06
75m 48.45 16.95 46.89 16.55
100m 1:05.63 17.18 1:03.76 16.87
125m 1:22.69 17.06 1:20.62 16.86
150m 1:39.86 17.17 1:37.32 16.70
175m 1:57.13 17.27 1:54.20 16.88
200m 2:14.39 17.26 2:10.93 16.73
225m 2:31.69 17.30 2:27.85 16.92
250m 2:48.75 17.06 2:44.61 16.76
275m 3:06.10 17.35 3:01.58 16.97
300m 3:23.44 17.34 3:18.56 16.98
325m 3:40.58 17.14 3:35.50 16.94
350m 3:57.85 17.27 3:52.46 16.96
375m 4:15.12 17.27 4:09.40 16.94
400m 4:32.54 17.42 4:26.17 16.77
425m 4:50.03 17.49 4:43.28 17.11
450m 5:07.23 17.20 5:00.37 17.09
475m 5:24.40 17.17 5:17.34 16.97
500m 5:41.86 17.46 5:34.52 17.18
525m 5:59.47 17.61 5:51.46 16.94
550m 6:16.85 17.38 6:08.44 16.98
575m 6:34.15 17.30 6:25.63 17.19
600m 6:51.67 17.52 6:42.31 16.68
625m 7:08.94 17.27 6:59.41 17.10
650m 7:26.48 17.54 7:16.24 16.83
675m 7:43.91 17.43 7:33.42 17.18
700m 8:01.39 17.48 7:50.23 16.81
725m 8:19.07 17.68 8:07.03 16.80
750m 8:36.44 17.37 8:23.85 16.82
775m 8:53.05 16.61 8:40.58 16.73
800m 9:09.11 16.06 8:56.31 15.73

St Peters Western Swimming Club 14 years 800m Freestyle (SC) Club Record History

Date Time Competitor Meet
16 Jul 2017 8:42.44 Sharni R 2017 Speedo QLD Short Course Preparation Meet
26 Aug 2016 8:49.04 Phoebe W 2016 McDonald's Qld SC Championships
30 Jul 2016 9:00.32 Phoebe W 2016 Vorgee Brisbane Short Course Championshi
17 Jul 2016 9:09.11 Phoebe W 2016 Speedo QLD Short Course Qualifying Meet
Check with the respective club for the "official club records" which may differ as these are made up from the times submitted to the website.


Short Course
Girl's 800m Freestyle
14 years and under
ACW WA All Comers 8:30.57 Alanna Bowles 13 Sep 2012 2012 Energy Australian Short Course Championships
WAT WA All Time 8:38.89 Grace Hull 22 Aug 2013 2013 Australian Short Course Championships
RE Residential 8:39.14 Emily Kayser 24 Jul 2010 2010 HFMF State Age SC Championships
CAT WA Country All Time 9:26.82 Josephina Parfitt 19 Sep 2003 2003 Hancock FMF State Age SC Championships
CR Country Residential 9:26.82 Josephina Parfitt 19 Sep 2003 2003 Hancock FMF State Age SC Championships