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Thomas B

Immediate competition in 200m Backstroke.

Lucas HIONA 2:04.59
Jye CUQSC 2:05.32
Jack CSTAND 2:05.64
Liam VSTPET 2:06.98
Maxwell CBGRAM 2:07.51
Stephan JNCOLL 2:09.10
Lachlan PTGSC 2:09.18
James HWA 2:09.19
Cameron RVic 2:09.20
Luke BNSW 2:09.42

Other events at the meet

MACGREGOR SS QLD Swimming Club 16 years 200m Backstroke (LC) Club Record History

Date Time Competitor Meet
7 Jan 2002 2:11.21 Thomas B 2002 QLD Championships
7 Jan 2002 2:11.21 Thomas B 2002 Queensland Open & Age State Championship
Check with the respective club for the "official club records" which may differ as these are made up from the times submitted to the website.