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Myra S

Finals Western Zone Senior Championships (2 Aug 2017) - LC
Current Age: 23 Age at the meet: 16
Club: Clovis Event # 7 - 19 years and under 200m Breaststroke (Heat)
Time: 2:51.02 Personal Bests
FINA Point Score: 538

Immediate competition in 200m Breaststroke.

Amy PVic 2:50.73
Kei LQLD 2:50.90
Elsie GQLD 2:50.90
Rose BQLD 2:50.94
Sia RQLD 2:51.10
Leilani GQLD 2:51.15
Isabelle KQLD 2:51.26
Hannah EQLD 2:51.28
Jackie HQLD 2:51.29
Chloe NQLD 2:51.32

Split Times

Myra S Fastest Competitor
Mackenzie D
Distance Time Split Time Split
50m 38.91 38.91 35.79 35.79
100m 1:22.22 43.31 1:15.56 39.77
150m 2:06.60 44.38 1:56.88 41.32
200m 2:51.02 44.42 2:39.67 42.79

Clovis Swimming Club 16 years 200m Breaststroke (LC) Club Record History

Date Time Competitor Meet
2 Aug 2017 2:51.02 Myra S Finals Western Zone Senior Championships
Check with the respective club for the "official club records" which may differ as these are made up from the times submitted to the website.


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