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Lauren C

Immediate competition in 50m Backstroke.

Annie SQLD 31.04
Dory LQLD 31.04
Georgia MSA 31.06
Bella MVic 31.07
Zannah DNSW 31.08
Ema CQLD 31.08
Nicolette WVIC 31.08
Lian BWA 31.08
Samantha LWA 31.09
Anais JQLD 31.10

Other events at the meet

Open 100m BackstrokeHeat 1:08.54
Open 100m FreestyleHeat 1:02.41
Open 50m BackstrokeHeat 31.27
Open 50m ButterflyHeat 31.13
Open 50m FreestyleHeat 28.82

Premier Aquatics Club of Klein Swimming Club 18 years 50m Backstroke (LC) Club Record History

Date Time Competitor Meet
21 Jun 2018 31.07 Lauren C Texas Senior Circuit Long Course Meet #2
Check with the respective club for the "official club records" which may differ as these are made up from the times submitted to the website.


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