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Cade F

2011 Commonwealth Bank Qld SC Championships (28 Aug 2011) - SC
Current Age: 29 Age at the meet: 15
Club: St Peters Western Event # 112A - 15 years 200m Freestyle (Final)
Time: 1:54.85 Personal Bests
FINA Point Score: 648

Immediate competition in 200m Freestyle.

Alexander SWA 1:54.45
Charlie SWA 1:54.47
Cashy LRACKL 1:54.50
Archie MMIAMI 1:54.51
Harry HVic 1:54.59
Tanin KVic 1:54.61
Boston YWA 1:55.08
Oliver CSTPET 1:55.10
Thomas PWA 1:55.12
Lachlan GNCOLL 1:55.12

Other events at the meet

15 years 100m ButterflyFinal 1:00.48
15 years 100m FreestyleFinal 52.46
15 years 100m MedleyFinal 1:00.52
15 years 50m ButterflyFinal 26.49
15 years 50m FreestyleFinal 24.32

Split Times

Distance Time Split
25m 12.30 12.30
50m 25.90 13.60
75m 40.23 14.33
100m 54.73 14.50
125m 1:09.46 14.73
150m 1:24.56 15.10
175m 1:40.05 15.49
200m 1:54.85 14.80

St Peters Western Swimming Club 15 years 200m Freestyle (SC) Club Record History

Date Time Competitor Meet
30 Aug 2014 1:52.31 Jack C 2014 McDonald's Qld Short Course Champs
3 Aug 2014 1:53.20 Jack C 2014 Vorgee Brisbane Short Course Champs
28 Aug 2011 1:54.85 Cade F 2011 Commonwealth Bank Qld SC Championships
28 Aug 2010 1:58.65 Cian R 2010 Commonwealth Bank Qld SC
Check with the respective club for the "official club records" which may differ as these are made up from the times submitted to the website.