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Caitlin T

Immediate competition in 200m Breaststroke.

Sienna TALBU 2:25.84
Rafaela KSOSC 2:30.74
Bella ZMNLY 2:32.66
Scarlet MALST 3:13.91
Freya MMRAY 3:19.07
Isabella MWA 4:13.17
Nayana HWA 4:13.78
Bobby MQLD 4:14.03
Evelyn BWA 4:15.04
Charlotte EWA 4:15.59

Other events at the meet

9 years 50m BackstrokeFinal 49.38
9 years 50m ButterflyFinal 50.16
9 years 50m FreestyleFinal 41.02

Split Times

Caitlin T Fastest Competitor
Lucy R
Distance Time Split Time Split
25m 29.21 29.21 22.59 22.59
50m 58.95 29.74 49.58 26.99
75m 1:32.84 33.89 1:18.22 28.64
100m 2:04.98 32.14 1:45.95 27.73
125m 2:40.24 35.26 2:16.67 30.72
150m 3:14.27 34.03 2:46.28 29.61
175m 3:47.19 32.92 3:14.76 28.48
200m 4:18.74 31.55 3:40.23 25.47

Previous Times

22 Jul 2012 4:18.74 11&U JX Series

SOUTH COAST - SA Swimming Club 9 years 200m Breaststroke (SC) Club Record History

Date Time Competitor Meet
22 Jul 2012 4:18.74 Caitlin T 11&U JX Series
24 Jul 2012 4:18.74 Caitlin T 2012 -11&U JX - Meet 3
Check with the respective club for the "official club records" which may differ as these are made up from the times submitted to the website.


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