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Logan S

RJ McNamara-DD Sprints 2009 (8 Nov 2009) - SC
Current Age: 25 Age at the meet: 10
Club: Brisbane Torpedos Team Event # 54 - 10 years and under 100m Medley (Final)
Time: 1:27.96 Personal Bests
FINA Point Score: 207

Immediate competition in 100m Medley.

Campbell MVic 1:27.62
Michael RWA 1:27.63
Niko TWA 1:27.64
Joseph CMARIS 1:27.66
Ryan LBGRAM 1:27.68
Chase DWA 1:27.70
Brax SWA 1:27.72
Jake RMIAMI 1:27.84
Louie TFERNY 1:28.17
Aaron FVIRG 1:28.20

Other events at the meet

10 years 50m BreaststrokeFinal 46.97
10 years 50m FreestyleFinal 35.16
Best event for the meet was the 10 years 50m Freestyle.

Brisbane Torpedos Team Swimming Club 10 years 100m Medley (SC) Club Record History

Date Time Competitor Meet
7 Nov 2010 1:24.16 Lance A RJ McNamara-DD Sprints 2010
8 Nov 2009 1:27.96 Logan S RJ McNamara-DD Sprints 2009
Check with the respective club for the "official club records" which may differ as these are made up from the times submitted to the website.